Volunteer Opportunities
CRHRA is looking for members to help with the associations operation. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the organization and eventually hold a board position.
JOIN THE BOARD - CRHRA Board Member Application
Thank you for considering being a Board Member of the Canadian Recreational Horse and Rider Association.
- We hold meetings virtually 1x a month.
- There is an annual general meeting of Members 1x a year. We try to hold meetings to accommodate the various time zones - please expect about 1.5 hours one evening a month.
- We do not meet June-August.
- 7pm to 830 pm ET is the current practice. We are a small organization, so we are looking for a few leaders to take on specific tasks to make the organization grow.
- Currently we are looking for - Recording Secretary, Board Secretary, and General Directors.
- We are also looking to set up provincial representation and we are looking for a regional representative from NFLD, PEI, NB, NS, MAN, ALTA, BC, YK, NWT, NUN.
- Please forward your resume to: operationsmanagercrhra@gmail.com for official record keeping.
- Board Members must be members of the CRHRA.